Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Struggles....

We have completed alot of things in my first year of Globaloria. I have struggled too. I have struggled with getting myself focused on my task at hand. I have struggled using the codes we have to use. I have had success in doing my buttons. I'm not perfect at doing buttons but I think I have the hang of it. We have finished lots of stuff. We have done mini games, prototypes, and many blogs. I haved loved Globaloria so far and the thing I am looking forward to the most is playing my game when its finished.

Want to thank...  for the daffy duck picture!

Friday, October 22, 2010

A Helpful Link!!! [very helpful]

    This year we are in the STEMS catagory. Since STEMS is math, I tried to find a link that delt with math. The link that I have really helped me get the concept of how math cam about. This link is from Wikipedia and it was so very helpful. Here it is...  I strongly advise you to visit this link and read the whole thing, its very interesting.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Adding Scenes and My Storytelling Ability!!

We are using visual storytelling in our game. This is not so easy to explain. I'm going to try anyway. We are using visual storytelling because we have an Aim button and you can choose the way your story goes, you either make the bullzeye or you don't make it and lose. Thats a story all its self. Also we have a Shoot button for you to shoot or not. What I'm saying is that they have a choice to not play the game or to play the game.  In our game you choose your own fate, make your story as you go along. We got this idea off of one of the games in our Playing to Learn. We played Animal Rescue Squad and they had buttons where you could choose the way the story goes. You could choose to save the animal or make a mistake and the animal dies. We want to thank the Animal Rescue Squad game for the helpful ideas.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Drawing a Scene

    This week we started drawing a scene!!! I loved doing this with my partner because we started to see what we wanted to do. I have been so excited about starting our game and now we finally can!!!  Our game has helped me to realize that globaloria is starting to get harder. I have learned several things about our topic. One is that game of chance is pretty hard, two is that our 8th graders wil have fun on our game and third I think that we are prepared to do a game perfectly. My partner, Angel, has been very, very helpful to me and she has taught me how to do everything I know. Angel is very experienced because she was in this class last year and she is very trustworthy.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Paper Prototype!!! Excited to Start

Our paper prototype turned out good. This is only a stepping stone to start on our game and it gets me more and more excited about starting our game. We have kept all our original game ideas. This has helped us visualize our game and see more clearly what we plan to do. We have decided not to change our game plans because they met all the expectations and we loved our ideas once we started.
Here is a picture of an example of a paper prototype.